
A non-profit horse rescue in Southern Vermont
Lorelei came to us in June, 2014 from a known kill buyer in PA. She was very underweight, was missing a lot of hair, and was having trouble eating (pocketing her food in her cheeks). After a full veterinarian checkup she was diagnosed with Cushings disease. This will be treated with a daily pill for the rest of her life. She had a tooth removed which seems to have helped with eating. She also has a large tumor on her hind-end which was determined to be cancer. The vet feels that the cancer will not spread. Overall she is happy and looking better every day and her hair has grown in nicely. Due to Lorelei’s extremely rough past and because she’s elderly, we decided it would only be fair to her if we let her live out her days at DER.
Copyright © 2025 The Dorset Equine Rescue