Avery is a beautiful Haflinger gelding who was rescued from slaughter in 2019 as an eight year old. He had a locking stifle which improved significantly with rehabilitation. He didn’t have much training when he first arrived. After a few months of training, he blossomed into a wonderful trail horse. He was adopted into a wonderful […]
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We rescued Duke from slaughter in December 2019 as a 12 year old. He was extremely anxious and forward under saddle at first, but with consistent training he made a lot of progress and began to relax and build confidence in himself and his rider. He enjoys trails rides, ring work and trying new […]
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Patches is a lovely miniature horse mare who came to us in 2019 as an 18 year old. She is very friendly and stands 38” tall. She was born with a stifle issue and she walks slightly bowlegged but it doesn’t cause her any pain. She is also severely allergic to bugs bites and requires some extra care during bug […]
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Cookie Dough and Macaroni arrived with us in March of 2017 after we rescued them out of a kill pen. They both are extremely friendly and love lots of attention. They were adopted out on June of 2017. We are so happy that these two best friends got adopted together.
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