Valentine is a 10 year old Quarter Horse mare who stands about 14.2 hands tall. She is a very well behaved girl in all aspects and loves being groomed and given attention. However, after many x-rays …
Copper is a 4 year old gaited pony. He is a small and petite gelding standing about 13.3 hands. He has the sweetest “in your pocket” type personality who always aims to please. He stands w…
Ulysses is a Friesian gelding who stands 14.2 hands tall. He will turn 3 years old in July 2025. He cross ties and is well behaved for the farrier and loves our walks in the woods. Unfortunately, U…
Big Mama is ready for adoption! She is a very beautiful and sweet Off Track Thoroughbred mare who stands approximately 16 hands tall. She is 18 years old and has good ground manners, loves attention a…
Stemma is a very beautiful and sweet Thoroughbred mare who stands approximately 16 hands tall. She is 15 years old and has good ground manners, loves attention and is good for the veterinarian and fa…
Available soon! Sydney is a 25 year old Morgan cross mare who stands 13.1 hands tall. We found her as a skinny, wounded, and traumatized horse ready to ship to slaughter in December 2022. It’…
Heidi is available for adoption and we are looking for a very special home for this special needs mare. She is a 20 year old Haflinger and stands 13.1 hands tall. She is available as a retired compani…
Avery is a beautiful Haflinger gelding who was rescued from slaughter in 2019 as an eight year old. He had a locking stifle which improved significantly with rehabilitation. He didn’t have much …
We rescued Duke from slaughter in December 2019 as a 12 year old. He was extremely anxious and forward under saddle at first, but with consistent training he made a lot of progress and began to rel…
We rescued Fred along with three other mini’s from a local neglect situation in 2016. All four were stallions and had foundered. Their hooves were very long and they were very afraid of people due t…
Aranda is a miniature Appaloosa mare who stands about 36” tall. She came from auction in 2019 as a 7-8 year old with her buddy Patches. She was with us for about a year before getting adopted into h…
Patches is a lovely miniature horse mare who came to us in 2019 as an 18 year old. She is very friendly and stands 38” tall. She was born with a stifle issue and she walks slightly bowlegged b…
Cassidy was an unwanted small Welsh pony who arrived with us as a 13 year old in the winter of 2019. We quickly learned she was safe for kids and had a very sweet personality. Cassidy wasn’t with us…
We rescued Holly from a kill-pen in the winter of 2019 as a four year old. We named Holly after our friend Holly who created a fundraiser for us to assist use with rescuing this mare. She wasn’t wit…
Zipper is available for adoption as a companion horse and is searching for his special person. He came to us a year and a half ago as an owner surrender after his owner passed away, who Zipper had bee…
Sadie came to us in 2018 through law enforcement due to a neglect case. She was just 4 years old and was a body score of 3. Her hooves had not been trimmed in a very long time, and quite possibly had…
Montauk arrived at The Dorset Equine Rescue in December of 2017 after his owner unexpectedly passed away. He quickly bonded with another horse that had already been with us for a couple of years named…
Memphis arrived with his mother Apache in the summer of 2017. They were both owner surrenders. Memphis was adopted in March of 2018 along with his buddy Nipster. We are thrilled that he and his buddy …
Tess arrived with us in January of 2018 as a four year old. She and another horse, Sadie were part of a neglect case and were seized by law enforcement. They were both very underweight and neither had…
Twister was a local owner surrender who arrived with us in the summer of 2017. He wasn’t with us long before he was adopted. He is now a companion to Barney (now known as Lovebug) who was adopte…
Apache is a very beautiful and gentle horse who arrived with when she was 18 years old as an owner surrender in the summer of 2017 along with her colt Memphis. She gave birth to Memphis on a trailer…
We rescued Foster when we outbid a kill buyer at an auction in the spring of 2017. We also outbid a kill buyer for another horse at the same auction who we named Sheila. They were named in memory of a…
Maggie arrived with us as a 6 year old with her son Nipster in the summer of 2017. They were both well cared for but were surrendered due to their owner having a serious illness. Maggie was adopted in…
Nipster was a two year old when he arrived with us along with his mother Maggie as owner surrenders. They arrived in the summer of 2017. Nipster has a kind personality and loves attention. He was adop…
Sally and Lucy are an adorable mother and daughter pair of miniature donkeys. Sally is the mother and is the lighter colored donkey. She is five years old and Lucy is two years old. They were a local …
Turtle was a local owner surrender who arrived with us in Spring of 2017. Even though he is blind in one eye, he was very trusting and was always willing to go out for a trail ride and be handled and …
Cookie Dough and Macaroni arrived with us in March of 2017 after we rescued them out of a kill pen. They both are extremely friendly and love lots of attention. They were adopted out on June of 2017. …
India came to us as a scared and completely unhandled yearling filly who we saved from slaughter in February 2017. She had come into a kill pen with a group of 8 young horses. We only had room and fu…
Orion is a beautiful 15.1 hand, 7 year old gelding who was slaughter-bound when rescued. He arrived with us in the winter of 2016/2017. He has a young and lively personality. Orion has an old injury…
Luna is a 16 year old beautiful flea bitten grey quarter horse mare. She has a very sweet personality and loves to stand to be groomed. She is good for the vet and Farrier and great with other horses.…
Jaks is a 10 year old appendix gelding who was owned by a kill buyer and about to ship to slaughter and we pulled him. He has been with us since August 2016. He was very underweight when he came to us…
Ferdinand is a thoroughbred gelding and arrived at DER in August of 2016 as a four year old. He had been raced several times and won a couple of races. When he stopped running as fast, he found himsel…
Barney was one of four neglected stallions who arrived with us in March of 2016. They were a local owner surrender and very feral. We had them gelded right away and trimmed their feet long feet while …
We rescued Fred along with three other mini’s from a local neglect situation in 2016. All four were stallions and had foundered. Their hooves were very long and they were very afraid of people d…
Manning was rescued when he was 6 years old from shipped to slaughter back in December 2015. He was very sick with pneumonia and very underweight when he arrived at DER. But after a few visits from …
Jack (shown right) and his mother Ruby were rescued in the spring with the help of Spring Hill Horse Rescue. They were full and asked if we had room to take them. They were trapped inside an old campe…
Duke (left) was rescued along with his sister Daisy. The photo taken at his rescue (below) was taken in the spring of 2012. You can see how skinny he was by the bones on his face, even showing through…
Daisy (left) first came to us with her brother Duke from a neglect case in the spring of 2012. The “after” photo was taken about 6 months later (August 2012). She has come such a long way! She was…
Bella was rescued in the early Summer of 2015 because she was owned by a kill buyer and was scheduled for slaughter. Ten years old at the time of rescue, Bella was adopted in the fall and is doing…
Ollie was rescued in the early Summer of 2015 because he was owned by a kill buyer and was scheduled for slaughter. Three years old at the time of rescue, Ollie was adopted in the fall and is doing …
Sarge came to us in August 2014 from an auction in New York where he was bound for slaughter. He came to us very scared, due to him not having his full sight. After he was examined by the vet we learn…
Coco was rescued in June of 2014 from a known kill-buyer in PA. He is an 18 year old pony with a wonderfully sweet personality. He was adopted by a wonderful family in CT and is now called Spirit an…
March 2015 Update – Walter (above left) found his new forever home in Massachusetts where he lives with his new equine friend Ace! It was very hard to say goodbye but we know his new owner Rebecca…
Champ came to DER in 2014 as a ten year old when we rescued him from slaughter. He was adopted into a perfect home in NH in 2017 where he lives with his two horse buddies.
Lorelei came to us in June, 2014 from a known kill buyer in PA. She was very underweight, was missing a lot of hair, and was having trouble eating (pocketing her food in her cheeks). After a full vet…
Rain was rescued in August of 2015 at an auction where we outbid a “kill buyer” for her to prevent her from shipping to Canada for slaughter. She was only at our rescue for four short mont…
Pike and his friend Violet were rescued soon after they both lost their mothers due to severe neglect. Violet was just two months old and very scared. Pike, being just a few months older, looked after…
We rescued Violet in August of 2014 when she was two months old from a local cruelty case. She tragically lost her mother due to severe neglect. She was at The Dorset Equine Rescue for two years and h…
Lady has been with us for a couple of years and we are very excited that she was finally been adopted in the spring of 2018. Her best buddy Montauk is also getting adopted along with her. We couldn’…
Ireland came to us in the Spring of 2015 when she was three years old. She was in a kill pen and in danger of shipping to slaughter. Ireland was very ill when she came to us and clearly had an extreme…
We outbid a kill buyer for Dixie in the summer of 2015 so she wouldn’t ship to slaughter. When we’re at an auction trying to decide which horses to save, it can be a very tough decision wh…
Buttercup is a sweet and beautiful 15-year-old buckskin mare who we purchased in August of 2015 from a known kill buyer. She was literally standing on a scale getting weighed after the auction, about …
Nash came to the rescue in June of 2014 after he was seized by animal control due to neglect and severe malnutrition. He was about 400 pounds underweight and we are still working to increase his wei…
Ruby and her foal Jack were rescued in the spring with the help of Spring Hill Horse Rescue. They were kept in a pop-up camper for nearly 6 months, completely neglected. Jack was just a new born when …
Morgan was rescued from shipping to slaughter from NY in the fall of 2014. She’s was adopted in the summer of 2016 and lives with her new mom in southern VT.
Ollie was rescued in the early Summer of 2015 because he was owned by a kill buyer and was scheduled for slaughter. Three years old at the time of rescue, Ollie was adopted in the fall and is doing great!